Editorial note
This e-book faces further honing by an editor's pencil. That task will be accomplished fairly soon, I hope.
- To the reader
- Wonderful news!
- The Word
- Jesus anointed for his mission
- A taste of the future
- You must be born again
- The great test
- Jesus shown to Israel
- Less John, more Jesus
- The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
- Let's fish for people
- The hand of the devoted doctor
- The Twelve are called
- Salt should be salty
- Who are my brothers and my mother?
- Your anger is your real enemy
- Illustrations from agriculture
- What are you afraid of?
- Gouge out your eye?
- Tell the Jews about salvation
- A simple 'yes' or 'no'
- Good and plenty
- Two wrongs don't make a right
- What really makes you dirty?
- Be kind to your foe
- Keep a low profile
- Who do you think I am?
- A very tough case
- How to pray
- Satan's star falls
- They've had their payoff
- Arise and go free
- Woman at a well
- Who made you a judge?
- You whitewashed tombs! Woe!
- Oil and water don't mix
- Strip for action!
- God wants you to have the best
- Give up everything for Jesus?
- How would you like to be treated?
- Whom do you serve?
- Find the secret path
- To Jerusalem
- Do I know you?
- Make a joyful noise!
- Teaching in the Temple
- Are you anchored to rock?
- Trouble ahead
- Seeing with Jesus
- The good shepherd
- Last supper, agony, betrayal
- Trial
- Crucifixion
- Surprise!
- A new deal
What you don't need to believe
in order to be saved by Jesus
When you come to Jesus with a broken and a contrite heart and seek his forgiveness, you have done all you need to do in order to be saved!
You don't need to believe that Jesus is God. You don't need to believe that he is the Son of God in some literalistic sense. You don't need to believe he was born of a virgin. You are not required to first subscribe to the idea of the Trinity. You don't need to be baptized in water before receiving Jesus into your heart.
All you need do is to trust Jesus enough to accept his help. And that means you must believe that God raised Jesus from the dead so that people like you could be saved by the man he appointed to that task.
You don't need to believe that Jesus is God. You don't need to believe that he is the Son of God in some literalistic sense. You don't need to believe he was born of a virgin. You are not required to first subscribe to the idea of the Trinity. You don't need to be baptized in water before receiving Jesus into your heart.
All you need do is to trust Jesus enough to accept his help. And that means you must believe that God raised Jesus from the dead so that people like you could be saved by the man he appointed to that task.
When the Bible says you must believe Jesus is the Son of God, it means you must believe he can save you, that he is the Savior.
You may come to believe in some or all of the assertions listed above in the first paragraph. But none is necessary to get you into God's kingdom. Just trust Jesus to help you out of your sad predicament. That's it!
You may come to believe in some or all of the assertions listed above in the first paragraph. But none is necessary to get you into God's kingdom. Just trust Jesus to help you out of your sad predicament. That's it!
The purpose of this book is the furtherance of the good news of salvation.
Readers are encouraged to study the four books of the Bible from which this narrative is drawn: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Readers are encouraged to study the four books of the Bible from which this narrative is drawn: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
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About Me

- Paul Conant
- My real birthday is about January 18, 1971, when I was saved from a fate worse than death. Since then, I have never once lost my faith in and reliance on Jesus.
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