Saturday, January 30, 2021

Section 54
A big haul

Peter decided to return to Galilee to resume his fishing trade. Accompanying him were Thomas (nicknamed Twin); Nathanael of Cana; John and James, the sons of Zebedee; and two other disciples.

Thomas and possibly some others evidently went to their homes without joining Peter in his fishing trade.

As soon as Peter's party reached Bethsaida, the men set out in the fishing boat. But they caught nothing all night.

In the morning, they noticed a man standing on the shore, which was roughly a hundred yards away.

He asked them, "Boys, do you have something to eat?"

"No," was the answer.

The stranger said, "Cast your net on the right side of your boat, and you'll make a catch."

They threw out the net, and pulled up a huge haul.

At that, the disciple for whom Jesus had a special affection shouted, "It is the Master!"

Peter then wrapped himself in his cloth and jumped into the water, making his way to shore. (He may have been dragging the boat via a rope toward shore.)

Ashore, the disciples found the "stranger" tending a fire with fish cooking, and some bread set out.

The "stranger" said, "Bring those fish you caught."

Peter hauled the net, which was packed with large fish, onto the shore. There were 153 of them and yet the net was unbroken. [BH.1]

"Come and eat," the man said.

No one dared ask who he was. They all knew he was the Master.

After breakfast, Jesus was walking along with Peter.

"Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these fellows?"

Peter replied, "Yes, sir, you know I love you."

"Feed my lambs," said Jesus.

Jesus asked again, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me?"

Peter answered, "Sir, you know I love you."

"Feed my sheep," said Jesus.

A third time, Jesus asked, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me?"

Peter was grieved that Jesus posed this question to him yet a third time. He replied, "Sir, you know everything. You know I love you."

"Feed my sheep," said Jesus. [BH.2]

Then he said to Peter, "I am very serious when I tell you this: As a young man, you wrap yourself in your cloth and go wherever you wish. But when you are old, you will hold out your hands so that another wraps you, carrying you where you do not wish to go."

Jesus was signifying the manner of death by which Peter would glorify God.

Christian tradition holds that Peter was martyred in Rome during Nero's persecution.

"Follow me," Jesus said.

Then Peter turned and noticed the disciple whom Jesus loved, the one who had leaned against Jesus' breast during the final supper.

"Sir," Peter said, "what about this fellow, what will happen to him?"

Jesus replied, "If I want him to tarry until I come, what is that to you? You follow me."

When that saying spread among Jesus' followers, they thought Jesus meant that that disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that. He said,  "If I want him to tarry until I come, what is that to you?"

Next Page: Section 55

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