Saturday, January 23, 2021

Section 10
Let's fish for people

People were following Jesus around, eager to hear him and hoping to see miracles or even be miraculously cured.

One day, as he was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee – probably in the Capernaum-Bethsaida  [lfp.1a] vicinity – Jesus noticed two fishing boats moored along the shore, with the crewmen on land repairing their nets. Jesus then asked Simon to take him a little ways offshore in his boat, and the fisherman agreed.

Jesus used the boat as a platform so that he could teach the people who had followed him. The lake surface and the nearby land formations may have provided good acoustics, thus amplifying and projecting his voice.

After he had finished speaking to the crowd, Jesus turned to Simon. "Put out for deep water and drop your nets for a catch."

Simon replied, "Rabbi, we tried all night, and caught nothing. But out of respect, I will do as you say."

After letting down the netting, Simon and his crew drew up a huge catch – so many that the netting was snapping. In fact, they had to call their partners in the other boat to come and help. Both boats were so weighed down with fish that the vessels were on the verge of sinking.

Astonished, Simon bowed low and urged Jesus, "Your honor, please leave me. Because I am a sinful man."

"You have nothing to fear," said Jesus. "From now on you will fish for people."

Simon's brother Andrew  [lfp.1] also worked with him in his fishing business, as did Zebedee and his sons, James  [lfp.2] and John, [lfp.3] who owned the other boat.

"Come, follow me," Jesus said to the four young men.

Leaving their business to Zebedee and the hired hands, they dropped everything, and went with Jesus.

Next Page: Section 11

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