Saturday, January 23, 2021

Section 2
The Word

From the beginning was the Word. This Word was from God, and God was the Word. The Word was always with God. All things through him were made, and without him nothing was made. In him is life, and that life is the light of human beings. And the light shines in the darkness. But the darkness has never mastered it.

A man came along named John, who had been sent by God. John's task was to tell people about the person who is the light, so that everyone would have a chance to believe on account of this light. John himself  was not this great light, but came in order to tell people about it.

That light is the true light – which sheds light on all – that came into our world. He was here in the world that he had made, and nobody recognized him. He visited his own people, but they did not welcome him. But all who do receive him are granted the right to become children of God. In other words, that right goes to those who are born directly from God, not by ordinary means or by the dictatorship of the body or the decision of humans.

The Word became flesh and blood, dwelling among us. We saw the glory of the precious first son of the Father, and that he was full of grace and truth.

During his mission, John proclaimed, "This man is the one of whom I said: He is behind me but he is ahead of me – because he was before me."

We have all received from his abundance – grace upon grace. The law was given through Moses, but grace and truth come through Jesus Christ.

No human has ever seen God. But the special firstborn Son, who is intimate with the Father, has made him known.

John's prologue is often used as a basis for the concept of the Trinity [TW.1] , whereby the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three aspects of the one God. We should note, however, that although this concept is very important, it is not necessary for a person's salvation. All that is required for salvation is the belief that God used and is using the man Jesus, as his special servant, as a means of saving other humans.

Someone who abhors his or her current lifestyle and choices, and decides to trust the man Jesus will be saved! Implicitly this person will realize, by believing the many witnesses and God's whispered assurance, that Jesus must have been raised from the dead. Nothing else is required for salvation.

The seeker need not see Jesus as the incarnate Word and Son of God. The concept of Messiah or God's Chosen Man suffices to bring the sinner to the doorstep of salvation.

That this is so is shown by the other three gospel accounts, which contain nothing like John's prologue. In fact, all four gospels show that Jesus' mission begins with his baptism, when he received a special anointing of God's Spirit. From that point on, there was no doubt that Jesus had been commissioned as a divinely appointed king and savior. If the authors of Mark, Matthew and Luke say nothing about a Trinity or incarnate Word, then we can assume they had not considered those ideas. Yet, their gospels contain everything anyone needs to know in order to become saved!
Next Page: Section 3

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