Saturday, January 23, 2021

Section 30
You already took your pay

Steer clear of "spiritual" self-aggrandizement, Jesus urged.
Also, when you fast, don't be like the play actors, who make it obvious to people that they are fasting by their gloomy looks and their dust-smeared faces. Seriously, I tell you, they have their reward.
But you, when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that your fast won't be apparent to people, but will be apparent to your secretly watching Father, who will reward you openly.

Jesus here is continuing his advice about keeping your godly actions godly by avoiding the drive to gain praise. Shun religious posturing like the plague!

Yet, Jesus nevertheless upholds the value of fasting -- as a spiritual exercise. When one fasts in order to gain human praise, that's not a spiritual exercise. That's the flesh in control.

Another motive of the flesh (or lower mind) is the use of fasting as a means of attaining some yogi-like transcendental state. And is it possible another deep-seated motive is to gain the esteem of others for becoming a "holy one"?

Still, we must agree that, for the Christ-centered person, a secret fast generally helps to bring her closer to God and is of real spiritual value. God does not need anything we have, but by stifling our bodily desires, we are able to "give" something to him.

Yet not all "self-discipline" is desirable. One can imagine possibly being too hard on one's body because of self-loathing or other psychological illnesses. We've all heard of young women caught in the trap of anorexia and starving to death. This is not what the Lord has in mind, obviously. A born-again person will have the help of the Spirit when fasting or trying to fast.

What is the point of self-discipline? Is it for the self to improve the self? That plan is dead on arrival, because the self cannot help the self much. That's why we need the Savior.

The old Greek saying know yourself is a beacon for many. But, the old self is nothing but a sin-plagued mess. What's to know? We need to know Jesus, who then gives us a new self. Then we are in a much better position to examine our motives.

Some sincere -- and often very new -- Christians have been misled to think they could attain some sort of perfected state by a "self-discipline" regimen imposed by people who lay out rigorous cultic formats that tend to rob the Christian of liberty. But as Paul says, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). So we can conclude that these Christians have entered a dark cavern, lacking the light of the Spirit.

For discussion of the merits of fasting, go here.
Next Page: Section 31

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