Saturday, January 23, 2021

Section 19
Tell the Jews about salvation

When Jesus saw how many people were in desperate need, he was filled with compassion."They're like sheep with no shepherd," he remarked.

"There is a big harvest there – and so few workers," he told his disciples. "Pray that the harvest owner will send more workers."

He then designated the Twelve he had selected earlier to help him harvest the souls of Jews by declaring  the news of repentance and salvation. In addition, he reinforced the Twelve with a contingent of other disciples – for about 70 men in all  [tjs.1a] – so as to make sure to carry the message across the traditional "land of Israel."

Jesus sent them out in pairs, giving them power over unclean spirits, to announce the kingdom and to let people know that he would be visiting their town.

"Don't go to the Gentile areas, nor to Samaria either," Jesus told them. "Your mission is to tell the lost sheep of the house of Israel that the kingdom is at the door. Heal the sick as you go."

He added, "Take nothing with you. No money, no extras. Don't worry; the worker is worthy of his pay."

God is giving salvation to the Jews as a free gift. Money is not to be an issue. Jehovah [WX1] will provide for his messengers as they go.

Jesus continued, "Now when you enter a town, find a friendly person and stay at his house. If you are staying with a peaceable person, let your blessing rest on his house. If not, your blessing will return to you."

But, said Jesus, "As for anyone who will not accept you nor listen to what you say, as you leave that place, shake the dust off your feet. That will serve as a testimony against them. Believe me, Sodom and Gomorrah will have it easier on Judgment Day than those people."

Jesus observed, "Think of it this way: I am sending you like sheep among wolves. So be wise as serpents but as pure as doves."

The words of Jesus to his missionaries applied not only to the initial task of taking his message to the Jews of Galilee and Judaea, but also to post-resurrection work.

In fact, we are unsure of when, during Jesus' public period, he sent out the Twelve. Up to this point in our narrative, Jesus has spent most of his time in Galilee, with short periods in adjacent Gentile areas. It is possible that Jesus sent disciples into Judaea to announce the kingdom in advance of his very public arrival there. Luke says that Jesus sent about 70 missionaries out across the Jewish settlements.

The words that were remembered by witnesses certainly indicate that at one or more points in time Jesus specifically commissioned disciples to tell Jews all around Palestine that the time for salvation had arrived.

"Watch out for men," his disciples remembered him saying. "They will hand you over to the government. And the religious people will have you whipped. You will even be brought before governors and kings on my account, as a testimony to them."  [tjs.1]

Jesus went on, "When you are put under arrest, don't worry about what you should say. Your words will be given to you at the right time. It isn't you who speaks; it's God's Spirit who speaks."

The missionaries also recalled Jesus forecasting, "Brother will hand over brother to death, the father will do so to his child, children will rise against parents, causing them to be put to death. On account of my name, everyone will hate you. Those who stick it out to the end will hold onto true life.

"So when you are persecuted in one city, flee to the next. I tell you very sincerely, you won't have gone through the cities of Israel before the son of man arrives."  [tjs.2]

As we shall see, even before Jesus was executed Jewish authorities tried to make life difficult for people who spoke well of him. After his resurrection, persecution of those who bore the message of salvation reached terrible levels of ferocity, both in Jewish Palestine and throughout the Roman Empire.

Consider the student, said Jesus. "He is not set above his teacher, nor is a servant set above his boss. So, if the manager is said to work for the devil, what do you think they'll say about his workers?"

Don't worry about the slanderers, Jesus said. The truth will out.

"There is nothing hidden that won't be shown plainly. Nor are there any secrets that won't come to light."

Jesus added, "Whatever I tell you in private, go ahead and blare it everywhere. What I whisper in your ear, announce from the housetops."

Though Jesus had asked people to stay quiet about some of his miracles, he wasn't trying to hide anything. That request was only meant as a temporary measure. Those who claimed he was a tool of Satan would soon be answered by his missionaries telling what Jesus had really said and done.

"So don't fear those who can kill the body, but not the soul. Who you really have to heed is the one with power to throw both body and soul into hell."  [tjs.3]

A related point made by Jesus: "Don't two sparrows sell for a penny? Yet neither falls to the ground without your Father. But as for you, every hair on your head is numbered. So don't fear, because you are worth far more than many sparrows."

Jesus was driving at the importance of trusting God, and Jesus as God's chosen man, even in the face of terroristic intimidation and defamation that affects one's social and even legal standing.

"Everyone who upholds me in front of people, I will likewise uphold in front of my Father. But whoever shuns me in front of people, I will also shun in front of my Father."

In other words, any friend of Jesus is a friend of God. But anyone who despises Jesus can't be on friendly terms with God.

Why prefer the opinion of people in this morally sick and God-shunning world to the opinion of Jesus and the Father?

But, Jesus was very clear that sticking with him is not always easy (though it's also not as hard as we fear).

"Don't think I came to send peace on earth. That isn't it. I actually came not to send peace, but to send a sword. I came to set a man at odds with his father, and a daughter in conflict with her mother, daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. A man's foes will be those from his own family."

Jesus added this shocking warning: "If you love your mother or father more than me, then you aren't worthy of me. You can't be my disciple. And that goes for your other close friends and relatives, too!"

Jesus added, "In fact, if you don't shoulder your cross and follow after me, you can't be my disciple."

God's chosen man also said, "If you want to follow me, you must deny yourself, pick up your cross and start moving. The person who tries to save his life will lose it. But the person who loses his life for my sake and for the sake of my message will gain it."

Jesus wants people who are totally devoted to him and listen to him carefully. Sometimes a possibly well-meaning relative can steer you wrong. But Jesus will never steer you wrong. If you happen to make a mistake while trying hard to stick with Jesus, that's still better than seemingly not making an error as you heed a relative who is not plugged in to Jesus.

Jesus, you may notice, accepts followers who have serious problems. You are to lug your cross with you. But don't give up. Keep going. Jesus doesn't want quitters. Keep believing and you won't want to quit.

If you find yourself mired in the Slough of Despond,  [tjs.4] ask Jesus to pull you out of it.

Another lesson with respect to the missionaries and disciples of Jesus:

"The person who listens to you listens to me. The person who rejects you rejects me, as well as the one who sent me."

At another point in time, the disciples recalled, Jesus had said, "A person who welcomes a prophet on behalf of a prophet will receive a prophet's reward. Likewise, a person who welcomes a righteous person on behalf of a righteous person will receive a righteous person's reward. And whoever gives one of these little children a cup of cold water on behalf of a disciple will in no case lose his reward."

The disciples came to realize that not only was Jesus teaching kindness toward children, but that he expected his followers to be childlike, trusting the Father as they went to do as Jesus wished. In this teaching, Jesus is also recommending that people help his followers to carry out their missions. Further, he is indicating that those who help Jesus' workers are themselves serving Jesus. Those who can't go on the road to preach can refresh and feed the preachers and give them a place to stay.

And, that teaching relates to Jesus' instruction that his men go forward with nothing but faith. Start walking. God's friends will help you at the proper time.

So, the Twelve went forth with the message that it was time to turn away from sin and prepare for the kingdom. With the power Jesus had given them, they rid many people of demons. Many others were healed of their illnesses after the disciples anointed them with oil.

The role of the Twelve in spreading the news was similar to that of John the Dunker: to get people ready to receive Jesus. Once the disciples had toured an area, quite a few people were eager to hear Jesus or to learn about what he had said.

Jesus' activities now drew government attention. Herod Antipas, who controlled Galilee and the east side of the Jordan, was worried. "That dunker whom I killed must have come back from the dead. That's what must be behind all these startling things that are being reported."

Though the Twelve were at some point expected to tour Judaea, we do not know whether they had begun to do so at the time that Herod got news of the work of Jesus. Neither Pilate, who was in charge of Judaea, nor Jewish authorities in Jerusalem seem to have shown much alarm at this stage.  [tjs.5]

Next Page: Section 20

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